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by The Cranky Media Guy!
Thurs. Nov. 2
A Letter, A Reply And Some New Stuff

You're about to lose me as a fan.

I'm an independent voter, probably Nader. But your weasel rant against the Republicans is a bit off. I counted the slanted ads, including the NAACP "Bush Killed James Bird" ad - which is still running, the "Daisy Ad" (which is gone, ran only in a couple of markets), Ed Asner's "Bush hates old people" phone message, the "Bush is Killing my Children" phone message, etc.

I find the Dems way way way ahead of the Reps. And this hooey the Dems are pushing, "A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush"!!!!! Did I have a lobotomy while I slept? I'd say the slop-slinging is about 75-25 Dems. You used to be a lot less one-sided.


Larey Kerling Fort Collins CO

Dear Larry:

Gee, we disagree once and you're gonna bail on me? Sheesh. If you go back and reread what I wrote, I did say that the Democrats were pretty sleazy, too, but I thought the Republicans were just a wee bit ahead of them in that department. I should have made it clear that I was thinking historically as much as currently. I mean, there was that whole Watergate thing. Let's remember, too, that the Republicans are the party that claims to be the proponents of Christian values, etc. Calling yourself that while slinging mud just makes you a hypocrite.

Trust me, Larry, I'm not about to become an apologist for the Democrats. I've never been a fan of the GOP, but I'm totally disgusted with the Democrats for the way they've totally abandoned their traditional base of union-types in their pedal-to-the-medal race to become pseudo "conservatives". Screw 'em. I'm with you on Nader, Larry.



You'll Like This, Larry

As if to make Larry's argument for him, it came out this week that the Democrats have had a nasty little "unofficial" whispering campaign going on. You know that pesky Ralph Nader guy, the one who's threatening to take away enough votes to make that human fence post Al Gore lose the election? Well, he's 65 and he's never been married. And we all know what that means. Don't we? Nudge nudge, wink wink.

In case the incredible subtlety of this sleazy shit escapes you, they're trying to say that Nader is gay. Apparently, that's supposed to be a bad thing. Now, remember that it's the party that allegedly supports gay rights pulling this crap. Gee, was I saying something about hypocrisy just a moment ago?

If the Democratic candidate, a sitting vice-president during a time of alleged "prosperity", is so weak that his supporters have to resort to nasty shit like fag-baiting to help him, he deserves to lose. Maybe if they get their ass kicked next Tuesday, the Democrats will realize that American doesn't need two essentially identical parties, Republican and Republican Lite.

Oh, in case you're wondering, Ralph said, "In response to the implication, the answer is no." Not that there would be anything wrong with it, of course. Nyuk nyuk.


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