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by The Cranky Media Guy!
Thurs. Oct. 12
Proof That Rap Does Not Necessarily Rot The Brain

"My job is to raise my kids and explain to them the difference between entertainment and reality and other parents need to do the same thing."

LL Cool J in the Oct. 9th issue of Newsweek

We PAY These Guys For This?

Al Gore and George W. Bush sure seem to be on the campaign trail a lot, don't they? So, how do they find time to tend to their duties as vice-president and governor of Texas? Uh, well, good question.

Dubya hasn't been in the Statehouse in Austin since late August and Gore hasn't set foot in the White House since June. As you would guess, each of them continues to collect a paycheck for the job he doesn't want anymore. Don't you wish you could work out a scam where you looked for a better job while your current one kept paying you?

According to their spokespeople, though, they are holding up their end of the bargain. Dubya is "conducting business all the time," according to spokesman Mike Jones. Gore "continues to fulfill his duties as vice-president" says Jim Kennedy. Just for the record, other than voting in case of a tie in the Senate, just what are the duties of the vice-president?

A Bumper Crop of E-failure this week

Boobs On A Budget

Did you happen to catch the full-page ad in USA Today on Wednesday for It's a web site that offers affordable breast implant surgery. How affordable? Well, how does $38 a week and no money down grab you?

Not only did the ad mention that the web site allowed women to see how they would look with their new enhanced chests, but it also solicited investors for the company's stock. In case you're wondering, the stock is sold over the counter, using the symbol THAT. They missed a bet, though, by not saying, "Investors, here's a stock that's guaranteed to go bust!" Nyuk nyuk.

Here's what I'm wondering: if you get surgery through and you don't pay, do they repossess your boobs?

Reader Mail
They Love Me...

Dear Cranky Media Guy:

I was spending some time this morning catching up on your site and just finished the story about Boise, Idaho. Are you really leaving NY for the West Coast? Good show!

Please don't give up the site if you move. I'd go through withdrawals.

I'll cheer your arrival.


Dear Barbra:

Yeah, I'm heading out to Boise this weekend. I start at the radio station out there next Monday morning. Wish me luck. For now at least, the plan is to keep doing the site. I grumble when the "little woman" nags me to write stuff for it, but I think I'd miss it if we shut it down.

Oh, by the way, I'm from the Bronx, but I've been living in Virginia for the past few years. This is the fifth state I've lived in since I left the Ancestral Homeland at the end of the D Train line. Idaho will be Number Six.


...They Love Me Not

Re: Drudge

This web site has been compared to his a few times.

Only in your Dreams, ass wipe.

You are a pathetic Urban Dem-o-Rat, blathering on with absolutely no concept of reality.

Drop Dead Creepo

Notice to F.B.I.: What Part of the 4th Amendment DON'T you understand?

[reproduced verbatim from the original email]

Dear wpdunn:


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